Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für midst im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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II . midst [mɪdst] PRÄP veraltet liter

midst → amid(st):

Siehe auch: amid

amid [əˈmɪd] PRÄP, amidst [əˈmɪdst] PRÄP

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the midst of the blaze, a vagrant girl risks her life to save a pack of dogs.
However, those concerns fell on deaf ears in the midst of an economic boom.
It is a cluster of small interconnected lakes in the midst of an old oak forest.
The whole game industry is in the midst of what appears to be a sea change.
Hard work is the rule, though fun is often made in the midst of it.
They have existed since ancient times and shrines are often built in the midst of preexisting groves.
They live in the midst of other peoples and do not have their own language but speak the language of the surrounding community.
Two different types of protocols are used to singulate a particular tag, allowing its data to be read in the midst of many similar tags.
He pitched a no-hitter against a team in the midst of a three-year dynasty.
A temple is in the midst of the river.

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