Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für moisturizing cream im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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mois·tur·iz·er [ˈmɔɪstʃəraɪzəʳ] SUBST, ˈmois·tur·iz·ing cream SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some newer water-based lubricants are formulated with natural skin moisturizers, such as carrageenan, and may not leave a sticky residue after evaporation.
It is a natural moisturizer, and occurs as a major component of nasal sebum.
Many people use a cleanser once or more times a day as part of their skin care regimen together with a toner and moisturizer.
As with most skin-care products, there is a risk of moisturizers being contaminated with bacteria that can cause disease.
Because most moisturizers do not seal in the body's own moisture, they artificially lubricate the outer layers of skin.
The label of squalane as natural moisturizer is somewhat exaggerated.
As hygroscopic moisturizers, humectants work by attracting water to the upper layer of the skin (stratum corneum).
Soaps that contain moisturizers or potential allergens should be avoided as these can cause irritation of the eye.
They are often one of the ingredients of modern moisturizers.
It is used as an antimicrobial preservative in cosmetics such as eye shadow, foundation, sunscreen, facial moisturizer and skin anti-aging treatment.

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