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Übersetzungen für movie camera im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈmovie cam·era SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Field is currently marketing his professional 35mm movie camera invention for cinema and television.
The movie camera is a type of photographic camera which takes a rapid sequence of photographs on strips of film.
She is so comfortable in front of the movie camera that when she is dressed, she seems nude, and when she is nude, she seems dressed.
The ad agency was occasionally using a 16 mm movie camera to make little advertising films for its clients.
It was the first time a movie camera entered its premises, he says.
This relationship controls the amount of motion blur present in each frame and is, in principle, exactly the same as adjusting the shutter angle on a movie camera.
Jack surmises that if they were released from the film, they could be captured by it as well using a home movie camera.
This was the first movie camera in the world with semi-automatic tracking exposure control.
In 1912, he constructed a 35 mm movie camera.
Soon, but too late, they realize the girls are clothed after all and wind up parading nude before the clothed girls and a home movie camera.

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