Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für mumble im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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mum·ble [ˈmʌmbl̩] VERB intr

mumble (quietly)
mumble (unclearly)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She was disliked by the class because she mumbled everything she said.
Examples of logorrhea might include talking or mumbling monotonously, either to others, or more likely to oneself.
Someone has stolen his soul, mumbles the father.
He married after the match and had to mumble his wedding vows through a swathe of bandages.
He answers the phone, and he is berated by his manager for sleeping with underage groupies, and he mumbles that he needs a doctor.
She remembers him, and he mumbles something to her.
Within minutes, everyone is mumbling their words as their lips become puckered.
As he mumbles, the balloon grows the ears and eyes of a heffalump and the entire room vanishes into a starfield.
I hate the thought of being under a spotlight with my guitar, mumbling into a microphone.
Line after line is obscured by his whispery mumble, and this mangled speech seems particularly inappropriate in a character who's supposed to be a playwright.

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