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Übersetzungen für myrtle im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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myr·tle [ˈmɜ:tl̩] SUBST

mirta f

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

So, if you want a crape myrtle that will mature in the shape you desire, be sure you plant one that naturally grows that way.
The remedy for shingles comprised a potion using the bark of 15 trees: aspen, apple, maple, elder, willow, sallow, myrtle, wych-elm, oak, blackthorn, birch, olive, dogwood, ash, and quickbeam.
Lemon myrtle is now the more common name for the plant and its products.
Children are more susceptible than adults to symptoms from myrtle spurge, suggesting play areas not in proximity to the species.
They include a rose garden, crape myrtle garden, sensory garden, and children's forest.
There are a wide variety of crape myrtle cultivars available today, and as you look around area landscapes you will see great diversity among them.
As well as lucky colours, the numbers four and nine are deemed to be lucky, with chrysanthemum and crape-myrtle flowers being lucky too.
Historically, the property included hydrangeas, magnolias, and crepe myrtle.
The myrtle, beloved by the goddess, reached up its berry-laden branches no less than the other trees which so gracefully stretched out.
When bugs are scarce, the myrtle warbler also enjoys eating fruit, and the wax-myrtle berries which gave it its name.

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