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Übersetzungen für neap tide im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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neap tide [ˈni:ptaɪd] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During the neap tide, when the tidal current strength is weakest, smaller quantities of finer grains are deposited.
There's about a seven-day interval between spring tides and neap tides.
The smaller tides are called neap tides.
At spring tide the two effects add to each other to a theoretical level of 79 cm, while at neap tide the theoretical level is reduced to 29 cm.
On this day and the next, the ocean experienced a neap tide, and failed to rise.
Neap tides happen approximately twice a month, once around first quarter moon and once around last quarter moon.
This improved water levels for the millers, but again caused problems for navigation, with bargees complaining that the gates could not be opened at neap tides.
Consequently, a neap tide is the minimal tide effect from the action of the sun and moon opposing each other.
This is the neap tide: the tide's range is at its minimum.
Spring tides produce thick layers of sediment, and neap tides produce thin layers.

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