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Übersetzungen für new potatoes im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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new po·ˈta·toes SUBST Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In season, there are a number of roadside stalls selling fresh produce such as new potatoes, strawberries, honey and herbs.
Ears of corn, new potatoes, onions, and heads of garlic are usually included in shrimp and crawfish boils.
New potatoes are thin-skinned, so don't travel well, so you won't find them in supermarkets.
New potatoes are often cooked with mint and served with a little melted butter.
Serve with some roasted cherry tomatoes and new potatoes with a watercress salad.
When you've had one too many days of eating plain, boiled, new potatoes, this excellent dish comes to the rescue.
This spice mixture also seasons new potatoes, or eggs which may be boiled, fried or made into omelets.
Her idea of cooking is putting three tins into a pan of boiling water: braised beef, processed peas and new potatoes.
Beyond salad, the company also produces and distributes freshly harvested new potatoes.
They are fully mature when harvested and are not to be confused with new potatoes.

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