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Übersetzungen für niceties im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ni·cety [ˈnaɪsəti] SUBST

2. nicety Pl:

(fine details) niceties
finese f Pl
niceties (negatively)
niceties (negatively)
niceties (etiquette)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, he has little interest in or even understanding of the social niceties that enable people to enjoy working together.
We can't deal in niceties and fine points here.
The compiler itself runs slowly, and there is little or no support for debugging or other niceties.
Paradoxically, grammar evolves because, in the final analysis, humans care less about grammatical niceties than about making themselves understood.
But such historical niceties matter little now, amid the bottles of vampire sauvignon, rubber masks and gothic capes.
I will not delve into the controversy's legal niceties.
Men had to receive the very rudiments of culture before they could appreciate its niceties.
Dispensing with niceties, the staff get to work and, as lessons begin in earnest, it soon becomes clear that the ladettes are up against formidable opposition.
He is an exquisite of the first degree, composed of delicate mannerisms and niceties of dress; with a languid manner and a soft voice.
They pay less attention to the niceties of documentation and historiography, but they are not the puppets of political conservatives.

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