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Übersetzungen für north-westerly im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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north-ˈwest·er·ly ADJ

north-westerly wind

Beispielsätze für north-westerly

north-westerly wind

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A separate entrance gives access to four independent enclosures which replace the north-westerly apse.
Winds are generally light in the area, and are northerly to north-westerly, at times south-easterly, throughout the year.
Due to a strong north-westerly wind, sea levels along the coast were higher than had been anticipated.
For this reason, a makeshift platform was constructed at the north-westerly track 1a, and the excavation pit was split lengthwise into two lateral pieces.
The wind along the coast will be light to moderate westerly to south-westerly becoming north-westerly in the evening.
It is set to turn colder again into next week with a showery north-westerly wind expected.
During this time, the storm was estimated to have taken a more north-westerly course over the open ocean.
A total fire ban has been declared for the state, with west to north-westerly winds expected to reach 65km/h.
It flows north-westerly in a valley containing a number of disused uranium mines developed between 1955 and 1965.
The glen runs down to the sea where there is a long sandy beach that stretches along the island's north-westerly coast.

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