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Übersetzungen für old age pensioner im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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old age ˈpen·sion·er SUBST Aus Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The report also states that in some cases, old age pensioners turn down one-bed apartments or properties because they are too small.
I've nothing against old age pensioners.
I am an old age pensioner who retired in 1998 after 40 years of work.
We'd like to marry before we're old age pensioners, but there's not much hope for us at present.
It's affecting old age pensioners terrible at the northside of the city.
Someone who looks like they are wealthy is most likely so heavily in debt that the average old age pensioner is actually wealthier than they are.
Any euro of fraud taken out of this department is at the cost of somebody like an old age pensioner and that is not acceptable.
This scheme is basically saying if you're an old age pensioner, you're not welcome.
Even old age pensioners, at a high of $20,000 per year would only pay $400 per year; but no tax on their loaf of bread, their medication or anything.
Old age pensioners are a sacred lobby group, it seems.

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