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Übersetzungen für onerous im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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on·er·ous [ˈəʊnərəs] ADJ form

1. onerous (very difficult):

onerous duty
onerous responsibility

2. onerous JUR:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We note on every hand this same easy and willing accommodation to the status quo, regardless of how onerous it may be.
The most onerous duty was that he was sometimes called to sit on courts-martial.
This situation made interchange between the companies and neighboring regions long and onerous.
Given the onerous new term of service, it was necessary to offer a substantial bonus to attract sufficient citizen-recruits.
And, despite the somewhat hyperbolic reaction of some, there is little new in the recently announced policies nor anything particularly onerous.
The duties of this post were not onerous, and he continued to devote most of his time to historical work.
After a series of court cases the nature of the guarantees for some policies was reinterpreted, becoming more onerous.
It is at one and the same time, both an enchanted voyage and an onerous story.
The soldier was exempted from more onerous duties and often got better rations and other favours from his officer.
Given the large allowed error, it is not expected that this is too onerous a requirement.

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