Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für oven glove im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Slowenisch » Englisch)

ˈoven glove SUBST Brit, ˈoven mitt SUBST Am Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Death by sofa, fish, cactus, oven glove or any number of bizarre objects.
Add 2 tbsp of vinegar, stir and reduce for a minute, until thick and caramelised, using thick oven gloves to hold the tin.
The firm started supplying organically-produced tea towels more than five years ago and has now added deck chairs, oven gloves and aprons to the list.
These include a bag of potatoes, salad bowl, garlic, onion and chilli as well as oven gloves, apron and a colour co-ordinating tea set.
Failing that, an old roasting tin makes a makeshift lid, as long as you have heavy-duty oven gloves for lifting it off.
Even the oven gloves were too hot to touch.
Others stand, oven gloves at the ready, set to leap into action once the alarm goes off in the large ovens.
It was used to make sheetrock walls, roof shingles, ironing boards, oven gloves, and hot plates.
Take out once more with oven gloves and leave to cool.
First, an oval dish of quivering shiny stuff that looks like a biohazard, then one of dayglo rice grains, and a big floppy thing resembling an oven glove.

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