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Übersetzungen für overseer im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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over·seer [ˈəʊvəˌsi:əʳ] SUBST hist


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the former, the owner kept a secretary, "villicus puellarum", or an overseer for the girls.
This title, referred to a woman had a regular role in the administration as overseer of women's affairs.
He hired everyone, included a little old man with a white beard whom his brothers had rejected but whom he appointed as overseer.
If the overseer sets his face against wrongdoing, they will not do it; if he allows it, the master must not let him go unpunished.
He had been overseer of the poor in 1814 and was not well liked by the parishioners.
He was no longer willing to endure existence under the control of an overseer.
Several overseers are missing, and it is supposed that they are in the hands of the enemy.
Anyone else who claimed to be qualified to vote or who objected was required to give notice to the overseers.
Consequently, they were referred to as bishops residing in a given place, rather than as diocesan territorial overseers.
On the day that he was scheduled to depart, his overseer invited him to dinner and promised a satisfactory adjustment.

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