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Übersetzungen für photo opportunity im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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pho·to op·por·ˈtu·nity SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With every new planet, in every new star, there is a photo opportunity, smile!
Two days later, the frigate secured alongside for a photo opportunity.
He's enjoying decorating her tree; it was just a photo opportunity in his family.
The short trip took longer than normal and allowed the shuttle workers to pose for a photo opportunity with the shuttle.
It should have been a perfect photo opportunity.
But for two cops, this house fire appeared to be some kind of photo opportunity.
It offers hands on experience and a photo opportunity with three of the animals at the zoo.
This makes the bloggers really walk around with their eyes wide open, seeking out that elusive photo opportunity.
This statue, now located at the bottom right of the steps, is a popular photo opportunity for visitors.
This may be done for fun, to create a photo opportunity to raise awareness of a cause or campaign, or as a competitive race.

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