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Übersetzungen für pitchfork im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . ˈpitch·fork SUBST

pitchfork (for hay)
vile f Pl za seno
pitchfork (for manure)
vile f Pl za gnoj

II . ˈpitch·fork VERB trans übtr to pitchfork sb into sth


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Loading mercury with a pitchfork your truck is almost full.
A stranger is wearing full combat gear and carrying a pitchfork.
Pitchfork described the songs as genuine earworms, both unfailingly hip and often wonderfully associative.
The entire town takes up pitchforks and torches in hand to search for the monster that has absconded with the doctor.
Some of these resemble upended pitchforks, and when encountered unexpectedly on a misty day, the effect is faintly nightmarish.
Like many polearms, the military fork traces its lineage to an agricultural tool, in this case the pitchfork.

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