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Übersetzungen für post-natal im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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post-ˈna·tal ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was later revealed she was suffering from post-natal depression.
I never heard of post-natal depression before in my life.
A decade later, the program has expanded to include prenatal and post-natal care, psychiatric services and a full-service family health team.
Two trusts each reported only one woman had been diagnosed with post-natal depression in the last year.
Across the globe, a woman dies per 4 minutes from such dire post-natal complications.
Lack of sleep and new responsibilities, or supporting a wife with post-natal depression can be triggers, they say.
The relation between centromere abnormalities or chromosomal rearrangements and telomere length may have high clinical impact, since all appear important in pre- or post-natal diagnostics and tumor developments.
Those who took the test had all had depression or bipolar disorder and so were at higher risk of post-natal depression than average.
It is estimated around half the women who suffer post-natal depression do so in silence.
Whisking begins around post-natal day 11 to 13, prior to the eyes opening, and achieves adult amplitudes and characteristics by the end of the third post-natal week.

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