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Übersetzungen für privity im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But he was not a casual passer without privity; he was one who had done something to make himself responsible.
Certain elements of the doctrine of agency have been said to clash with privity, however.
The case turned on the existence of any exceptions to privity.
They had bought their new properties at market rates, competing against other bidders, and expected that privity of contract would apply as usual.
Individual state statutes can alter the requirements of horizontal privity of estate.
This is known as a trust of the promise, and, while artificial, it bypassed the doctrine of privity.
The court noted that ordinarily liability of a manufacturer for defects of a product would be limited by privity.
The case stands for the proposition that horizontal privity (privity of estate) is not required for the burden of a covenant to run at equity.
To be bound by the covenant, the successor must hold the entire estate in land held by the original party (strict vertical privity of estate).
It seems to be in line with the privity of contract doctrine.

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