Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für promotional material im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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pro·mo·tion·al ma·ˈterial SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As such, all details below refer to purely what was planned, and was taken from promotional material of the time.
Early promotional material specified a limited production run of 50 units based on the number of available 1892 actions that could be used legally.
The media and advertisement companies were not informed, and the original figure of 120 was used in promotional material.
Black also performed live-action sequences as himself used for the in-game menu screens and additional promotional material.
The archive also holds a poster collection documenting a wide range of promotional material.
Starting as a copy boy, when the opportunity arose, he moved over to writing advertising promotional material for the magazine, based in the nation's capital.
While photographing this promotional material, she discovered that just a small percentage of urban population in her country is benefiting from the oil boom.
Recording took three weeks, and promotional material for the album only featured the four remaining members.
This 24-year collection includes over 2100 audio tapes, and a 30 cm stack of textual records, including promotional material and photographs.
Currently, printing applications are designed to print transactional details along with the external information (not available in the transaction database), often involving promotional material.

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