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Übersetzungen für put-upon im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈput-upon ADJ ugs


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It turns out that watching moody, cruel men and unsatisfied, put-upon women for an hour just isn't that much fun.
Existing beehives require that you effectively dismantle the homes of these put-upon insects just to get to their sweet produce.
Nor do they feel uniquely put-upon -- check out your next water or energy bill; we're all in the same fix.
She is the most sensible character of the series and thus usually the most put-upon.
This often makes him seem impatient and demanding, but he almost seems to enjoy acting put-upon.
The poor put-upon papa is a good look for him.
Then there are the young and the put-upon locked out of the property market and driven further and further out into ever-expanding suburbs.
In such circumstances, the young did not perceive themselves as put-upon, damaged people but as the authors of their destiny.
How are television's favorite angry white males of a certain age feeling powerless and put-upon this week?
Perhaps, if only because most high schools are littered with put-upon square pegs who grow into perfectly upstanding but ordinary citizens.

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