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Übersetzungen für queasy im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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quea·sy [ˈkwi:zi] ADJ

1. queasy (easily upset):

queasy person, stomach

2. queasy (upset):

he feels queasy

3. queasy übtr (uneasy):

queasy conscience
with a queasy conscience
to feel queasy about sth

Beispielsätze für queasy

with a queasy conscience
he feels queasy
to feel queasy about sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But honestly, these songs go too far, which almost makes me a little queasy.
A queasy feeling followed, of being pulled morally up and down and in and out until you didn't know whom you pitied or why.
There's something about a celebrity being used to represent a domestic violence victim that makes me feel slightly queasy.
All this does is muddy the moral waters, making us queasy about the one guy we like.
The sheer volume of antlers, in some rooms covering every inch of wall space, is enough to make some visitors queasy.
Plain milk from the supermarket used to give me a queasy feeling in my stomach.
It's uncomfortable and queasy stuff, but it occasionally achieves a kind of weird beauty.
But the thought of missing out on a great deal might also make you queasy.
I sat quietly in a corner of the dressing room and felt a bit queasy.
Jim has some fun, taking her through some aerobatic maneuvers that leave her queasy, but still game.

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