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Übersetzungen für race hatred im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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race ˈha·tred SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Now, generations of dissent and race hatred will not heal-not even under threat of annihilation at the hands of the legendary tytans.
It would greatly help if our country could lose the politicians who stir the race hatred pot.
The story examines how people cope with the terrible choices forced on them by violence, race hatred, and the state.
Unfortunately, the far-left seized the opportunity to institute their policies of perpetual poverty, violence and race hatred.
This was a hate crime based on this race hatred of this particular party...
Today if anyone is a fifth columnist, it is the pseudo-patriot who hides behind the cloak of patriotism and the flag and creates race hatred and stirs up disunity.
But the danger in deciding that one issue overrides all others is that we can decide that having the trains run on time is more important than race hatred.
Four out of five of the crimes reported were motivated by race hatred, seven percent by religion.
The result has legitimised people's race hatred.
He inhaled deeply of the race hatred that constantly bubbles up like foul gas from a sewer.

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