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Übersetzungen für radicalism im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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radi·cal·ism [ˈrædɪkəlɪzəm] SUBST no Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Ideologically, it was characterized by national radicalism and economic liberalism.
For example, radicalism can originate from a broad social consensus against progressive changes in society.
Such incompatibilities only serve to underscore the hope and desperation he no doubt experienced and the basic radicalism contained in the document.
Indifferently on the western side radicalism is played down and depicted strikes as strategies rather than ideological commitments to settle certain demands.
Similarly, the possibility of a conservative republic was rejected - it would simply act as a bridge towards radicalism and atheism.
The government crackdown on dissenting radicalism paralleled public outrage towards opponents of the war.
However, the play also, more subtly, attacks the conventions of the radicalism of the time.
Meetings between the high diplomats of both countries to discuss the territorial issue failed and radicalism started to grow.
The steel industry also charged that union proposals would create such inefficiency that workers would be driven to radicalism and communism in sheer frustration.
Lacking a functioning youth and students wing, the party was unable to capitalize on the international surge of youth radicalism.

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