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Übersetzungen für rangy im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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rangy [ˈreɪnʤi] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is more rangy, and usually has somewhat less spotting and less dark on the points.
It is a tall, rangy animal, adapted to foraging in woodland, its traditional use.
His big, rangy, high-impact voice supported his flair for the dramatic flourish and the grand gesture.
As a rangy southpaw with a professional record of eight wins in as many starts he is a highly anticipated fighter.
She was too long and rangy in a discipline that favours smaller, more manoeuvreable skaters.
A tall, rangy man with a jaunty walk and a glint in his green eyes, he conducted our interview in his stockinged feet.
Fast and rangy, he was classed as one of the finest wingmen in football.
Judging has been rangy -- all over the place -- this year.
Now that coppicing has ceased the hornbeams have grown tall and rangy, and the wood has grown shaded.
A natural centreman with a good face-off record, rangy number 17 patrolled left wing in select instances.

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