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Übersetzungen für rat race im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für rat race

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its employees are considered by most people to be winning the rat race.
This semi-comical goodbye to the music rat race also served as the band's ironic last single.
It tells a lot about life in 2002, how busy you can get being caught up in the rat race.
The lack of industry in the town, while a boon to those hoping to escape the rat race, means that the town has a large unemployment rate.
As a result, the scenes that resonate most are the ones in which the kids exultantly reject the rat race.
A rat race she thought.
The business world is called a rat race with reason!
From a young age he is taught that he has to study, have a good career and survive in this competitive world in this rat race.
They are either caught in the rat race or trying to make ends meet.
A fresh start at the rat race is just what the series needs.

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