Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für rearrange im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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re·ar·range [ˌri:əˈreɪnʤ] VERB trans

1. rearrange (arrange differently):


2. rearrange (change):

to rearrange sth meeting, appointment
to rearrange the order of sth

Beispielsätze für rearrange

to rearrange the order of sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The purpose of the association was to develop state capitalism by giving land to the landless, nationalising industrial plants and companies and to rearrange the monetary system.
It was renovated in 2009 and the exhibits were rearranged.
In changing the mode of instruction or the educational model of distance education, an institution must also rearrange or transform its organizational structure to enable and effectuate such changes.
In the early weeks, the creative team worked hard and quickly to clarify the narrative, rearrange some of the material, and remove one pretty, but nonessential song.
Its derivation comes from rearranging a high-pass filter's transfer function, which is the ratio of two quadratic functions.
The revisions do not just add text but remove and rearrange passages as well.
This cockeyed art-historical theory may explain the cumbersome works that rearrange the conventions of pictorial space.
However, a sequence that follows both guidelines at once must be rearranged to follow only one guideline before moving as a unit.
This album consists mostly of demo songs which were rearranged.
In 1999 the church was fully redecorated and rearranged.

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