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Übersetzungen für recliner im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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re·clin·er [rɪˈklaɪnəʳ] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Now home furniture manufacturers produce a thick padded leather or overstuffed fabric recliner with casters.
The television commercial for it showed a boy sitting in a living room recliner while his sister came by and started fussing at him.
All three appeared relaxed and in good health as they rested in recliners near the descent module.
The optional leather upholstery package on the base model now included a power passenger seat recliner.
He is low-income and in need of a new or gently used recliner chair.
At one point, he gets trapped between a recliner and a ledge below the fireplace and becomes a bit upset.
The design was the same wooden bench recliner found in other designs.
Infants can partially fall or hang over the side of the recliner even when they are strapped into the harness that comes with the product.
The company began working on its image, telling consumers the company offered more than recliners.
These lie flat at an angle seats allow for greater comfort than traditional recliner seats, but are less comfortable than fully horizontal flat bed seating.

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