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Übersetzungen für red-hot im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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red-ˈhot ADJ

1. red-hot (glowing):

to be red-hot
to be red-hot übtr

2. red-hot (brand new):

red-hot news, data
red-hot news, data

Beispielsätze für red-hot

to be red-hot

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With flame hardening and induction hardening techniques, the steel is quickly heated to red-hot in a localized area and then quenched.
In this process, the chlorine gas is passed over red-hot mixture of rutile or ilmenite in the presence of carbon.
He turned the valves even though they were glowing red-hot.
Limerick provided the opposition on that occasion and were the red-hot favourites.
The viscid mass bubbled quietly but grandly, and overran the border of the crater, descending several hundred feet in a glowing wave, like red-hot iron.
Suddenly there is a piercing cry and one can see the story dancing on red-hot coals.
Pneumatic motors necessary to control the reactor in flight had to operate while red-hot and in the presence of intense radiation.
He then cauterized the stump with a red-hot poker from out of his forge.
The stepmother, thinking to evade notice, said she should be cast into a red-hot furnace.
In the mid-1890s he explained later, he was a red-hot imperialist.

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