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Übersetzungen für refractory im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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re·frac·tory [rɪˈfræktəri] ADJ

refractory person
refractory person
refractory disease
refractory metal

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is filled with refractory sand, such as olivine, when it is closed off.
This refractory period can prevent the animal from overdosing on a drug.
Used for joining superalloys and refractory metals for high-temperature applications, e.g. jet engines.
Refractory bricks are typically replaced every five years, because thermal fatigue gradually introduces fissures that reduce the insulating strength.
In storage disorders, you do not see an inconsistent response to specific items like you do in refractory access disorders.
Standard shapes have dimension that are conformed by most refractory manufacturers and are generally applicable to kilns or furnaces of the same types.
The successful design and manufacture of a high-performance refractory shape system requires a unique understanding of refractory materials, manufacturing, anchoring systems, and construction practice.
The duration of the refractory period varies considerably, even for a given individual.
It is believed that the amount by which oxytocin is increased may affect the length of each refractory period.
Patients with refractory advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma derive only minor benefit from chemotherapy.

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