Slowenisch » Englisch

Übersetzungen für reorganise im Slowenisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Englisch » Slowenisch)
to reorganise enslslre-brit-s
to reorganise enslslre-brit-s

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A consequence of their reports was that colonial defences were reorganised on one model with slight variations for each colony.
After this initial success the band was reorganised to streamline the sound and visual appeal.
In 1903 when the yard was reorganised, the old slotted post signals were replaced with balance-arm semaphore signals.
The brigades were reorganised and were given a broader sphere of activity.
While this work was being carried out, the mounted brigades were reorganised into two mounted divisions.
The report and debate lead to the league reorganising to allow for promotion and relegation prior to the start of the 1958-59 season.
It was used to help reorganise the industry in the late 1950s.
All sources are stored digitally, with shows captured and segregated into individual elements to reorganise for future repeats and syndication.
Many professors were purged and new faculties and departments were set up by reorganising the old ones.
Ignoring the wound, he immediately reorganised what remained of his troops and counterattacked to regain his original position.

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