Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für repartee im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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rep·ar·tee [ˌrepɑ:ˈti:] SUBST no Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It required quick wit and repartee and often gave rise to laughter and applause when a particularly clever phrase was sung.
He was said to have had a keen mind and was quick at repartee in his polemical treatises.
They concentrated on skit comedy, developing a theatrical style that emphasized verbal repartee.
His haughty bearing and ever-present alliterative repartee were staples of the character.
Having nowhere to run, this pressurized situation was ideal for the fast repartee of the lead actors.
He further applauds the casting and characters, saying thanks to zippy repartee among the stars.
He was recognized for his eloquent tongue and ready at repartee who analyzed the idea of the metaphysics of mercy.
His speech was dignified, but he engaged in repartee on occasion and his seriousness did not exclude a sense of humour.
Nevertheless, she measures very well to the majority of the roles requirements, the crispness of her voice being well suited to the repartee portions.
The film is noted for its rapid-fire repartee, using overlapping dialogue to make conversations sound more realistic, with one character speaking before another finishes.

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