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Übersetzungen für respectable im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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re·spect·able [rɪˈspektəbl̩] ADJ

1. respectable (decent):


2. respectable (presentable):


3. respectable (acceptable):

respectable salary, sum
respectable salary, sum
respectable salary, sum

4. respectable (deserving respect):

respectable person

5. respectable scherzh (be dressed):

to make oneself respectable

Beispielsätze für respectable

to make oneself respectable

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They promoted nursing as a suitable profession for respectable women.
She also enjoyed the parlor games played in the respectable side of town.
Although most respectable occupations were closed to ex-convicts, the colony was desperately short of teachers, yet unable to pay a sufficient wage to attract them.
The temperature plummeted, snow fell - enough to create a respectable wintery atmosphere - and water froze quickly.
He is noted for his methods for predicting the outcome of presidential elections, and his record of success in doing so (a record respectable but blemished, as for example 1992).
There were two principle tasks which had to be done: generating more cash flow and a respectable rate of return for the stockholders.
And there is only one character in it for whom a decent, respectable person can give a hoot.
She is very respectable, meaning there is a lot of unrespectability waiting to come out.
While calling the film respectable and a genuine superhero movie that doesn't try to be something else, they found it overlong and not saying anything of importance.
After 11 years, that's a respectable way to ride out.

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