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Übersetzungen für responsive im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The ships were responsive to the helm, and had a tight turning radius, and lost only minimal speed during swells.
A responsive instrument will sound numerous possible harmonic nodes along the length of the string.
However, some individuals are more responsive to dietary cholesterol than others.
The fourth child demonstrated developmental delay at age 6 months and had epileptic attacks that were only partially responsive to treatment.
Studies with rats have shown that place cells are very responsive to spatial surroundings.
Architectural innovations that are responsive to architecture do not have to resemble a plant or an animal.
System-wide control is a form of traffic responsive control but operates on the basis of total freeway conditions.
Any responsive level above 10% is regarded as being able to spontaneously recover and does not typically require surgical intervention.
The chemical that is used to produce blue filaments is also responsive to ultraviolet light.
The goal is to make the test look effortless, and an obedient and responsive horse is essential for a good dressage test.

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