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Übersetzungen für return key im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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re·ˈturn key SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's an odd setup and one that took some getting used to, where frequently we pressed the return key for the menu time and time again.
In other cases, he said he needed it to change the locks when they didn't return keys.
It features a 0 key, a 1 key, a return key, and nothing else.
The action of a blue button can usually also be invoked with the return key.
The default button in the active window (selectable with the return key) animates between a bright blue and a darker blue.
You can scroll up and down some lists, with the return key doubling as "ok", but this is where the experience starts to come unstuck.
If you want a more detailed definition, you can hit the return key on the keyboard to be taken to the full screen dictionary.
The new logo device was intended to allude to the company's history in keyboard design by using the shape of a keyboard return key.
Even special keys such as the return key and spacebar can be overridden.
He then placed one finger into the air and brought it down on the return key.

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