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Übersetzungen für rubber-stamp im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . rub·ber-ˈstamp VERB trans often abw

rubber-stamp decision

II . rub·ber-ˈstamp SUBST

rubber-stamp übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Our legislature has never been an institution whose rubber-stamp deliberative character is defined by a rigorous pragmatic cognition of its individual members.
The cathedral repair application was one of 12 projects that were considered by funders -- but is understood to have simply been too expensive to rubber-stamp.
That undermines the constitutional separation of powers, he said, by asking the judiciary to rubber-stamp the executive branchs interpretation of the law.
If all he's going to do is rubber-stamp it, we accept that.
They did not, as was expected, rubber-stamp his ideas, but took the opportunity to mention grievances that they had with company's mismanagement and its unresponsiveness to their suggestions.
It is not there to rubber-stamp legislation, but to "filter" legislation so that only valid and useful legislation is passed into law.
Although he pledged to appoint a constituent assembly to act as a legislature and draft a constitution, no one doubted the body would merely rubber-stamp his orders.
Councillors will be asked to rubber-stamp the plan at a meeting at the end of the month.
We see very quick rubber-stamp approval for increase requests from utilities, but never for reductions.
Sometimes they simply rubber-stamp their recommendations from the previous meeting, but often they reopen issues for further debate.

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