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Übersetzungen für ruthlessness im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ruth·less·ness [ˈru:θləsnəs] SUBST no Pl

ruthlessness of a person
ruthlessness of sb's behaviour
ruthlessness of an action

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was known for his ruthlessness, and many said that he lacked a heart.
It also earned him a reputation for ruthlessness and hard work.
His ruthlessness in this case, dangerous precedent though it gave, seemed perhaps necessary; the council could not respect individual interests.
As rival papers in the city fail in the wake of his ruthlessness, he nonetheless yearns to move on to even greater things.
He recognises that he is being treated with the same ruthlessness.
His reputation for ruthlessness further undermined the king's position.
However, underneath the charm, her ruthlessness and greed emerge.
His fiction also explores the ruthlessness and the unpredictability of nature and the toll human society unwittingly takes on the environment.
The drivers become revered celebrities, but ruthlessness rules and the stakes grow higher.
Extreme ruthlessness and craftiness in human behaviour and disasters are associated with the end of the third period and final salvation.

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