Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für salesmanship im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Slowenisch » Englisch)

ˈsales·man·ship SUBST no Pl

salesmanship (technique)
salesmanship (skill)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is also a major study of social alienation in the modern world of advanced capitalism, where cities are dominated by salesmanship mentality.
The remarkable success of his ideas, which drew hundreds of surgeons to the cause, has been attributed to his salesmanship skills.
Among the many subjects to be found in his writings, perhaps his strongest were in business, salesmanship and the art of balanced living.
He had a particular interest in applied psychology and offered courses on salesmanship as well as the math of applied psychology.
But as a result of his salesmanship, a lot of people had taken against him.
Salesmanship is a special skill, he said, and not all farmers have the time to acquire it.
His adroit salesmanship and acute sense for politics had made this vision a success.
This was the era of salesmanship.
His personality and his salesmanship remain largely unchanged by the war.
In the revised sequence, this flow is reversed and businesses exercise control over consumers by advertising and related salesmanship activities.

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