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Übersetzungen für sawed-off im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsawed-off ADJ Am

sawed-off → sawn-off:

Siehe auch: sawn-off

ˈsawn-off ADJ attr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Misty always wanted to be a radio deejay and recalled that, as a youth, she would fashion imaginary microphones with a tomato soup can and a sawed-off broom pole.
I was surrounded by the sawed-off ends of the utopian plans of once-powerful people.
And that's in spite of the undeniably brutish sight of me dipping a spoon into a sawed-off bone, yumming on its content.
Before, we were just sawed-off filmmakers trying to get our point across through the script, so directing came easily for us.
Several sections of fence were removed, but sawed-off fence posts were left in the grass, where they're hard to see.
He said he subsequently sold the sawed-off railing to another customer for $1,000.
Eventually he went to the rehabilitation center's obstacle course, where he could test the leg out moving around in a gravel pit and on sawed-off logs.
For a palpable sense of time, blow into the sawed-off spire of a conch.
But even now there's too much loose skin below the sawed-off end of his femur and the skin is easily irritated when he fastens his artificial leg onto his stump.
We went there and found a sawed-off bollard that was put there to prevent vehicles from driving into the park.

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