Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für scarp im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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scarp [skɑ:p] SUBST

scarp MILIT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All towns are situated at the foot of the scarps.
Prominent surface features include multi-ring structures, variously shaped impact craters, and chains of craters ("catenae") and associated scarps, ridges and deposits.
This area nonetheless accounts for around half of its geographic range, with the species extending well to the south and south-east of the scarp.
The uphill edge of undisturbed soil surrounding the bowl may be left exposed as a steep scarp face indicating the uphill boundary of the landslide.
The castle comprises a scarp and ditch forming a raised platform and on the north face is a ruined drystone building.
Spring-fed oases lie at the foot of some of the scarps.
The earthquake also created fault scarps as high as six meters, causing extensive damage to roads, homes and buildings.
An area of about 1000km2 sqmi, the slump consists of an intricate formation of beaches and scarps 2000to4500mft -2 below the waterline.
Single earthquakes result in 112 m of scarp.
The impact craters and multi-ring structurestogether with associated fractures, scarps and depositsare the only large features to be found on the surface.

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