Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für scooted im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für scooted

he scooted over so I could sit down

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Moe, assisted by concerned pedestrians, retrieves them out of the car, but with their egos bruised, the three girlfriends scoot off in a huff.
Only scoot themselves around the examining room.
That's great, provided you don't mind scooting about on something that resembles a toilet with handlebars.
The sprawl is performed by scooting the legs backwards, so as to land on the upper back of the opponent attempting the takedown.
Children in spica casts can sometimes learn to get mobile by scooting around on skateboards, or pulling themselves across the floor.
Outside, an old man in a motorized wheelchair scoots over to introduce himself.
The problem is we may then end up with too many scoots from dummy half.
In 1996, a mini-sub scooted past a glint on the bottom, raising curiosity.
Left hand clasps the right (think synergy), both heels scoot to the right, then both toes 4 slow, 8 quick.
They scooted under the gate and got across the tracks.

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