Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für sculpt im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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II . sculpt [skʌlpt] VERB intr


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The paintings are very finely detailed, he sculpts the most minute details of body and face features.
At 20 years of age she began painting portraits, but soon turned to sculpting marble and granite.
While you sculpt, you talk, and they told me how hard they have to work in order to perform, she said.
Drawing, painting and sculpting from observation are the cornerstones of all of these classes.
In the same way the frieze was sculpted on slabs placed on the supporting structure.
This basic shape is then used to sculpt out the final model.
The monument is sculpted with a hieroglyphic text divided into two columns, unfortunately the text is too eroded to be read with precision.
If all corrections for internal optical errors are surgically sculpted onto the cornea, corneal irregularity can only increase.
Objects are sculpted much like real clay or plaster, working from general forms to specific details with various sculpting tools.
The headdress is decorated with a frontal tongue-shaped ornament, and the back of the head is sculpted with seven plaits of hair bound with tassels.

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