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Übersetzungen für serenity im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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se·ren·ity [səˈrenɪti] SUBST no Pl

serenity (calmness)
serenity (calmness)
mir m
serenity (untroubled state)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The feeling that you get while listening to this album could best be summed up by the word serenity.
The flow of light into the room was designed to highlight the serenity of the room.
The sparrow continues unmoved by the surrounding landscape, becoming mythic in its serenity and through the use of reproduction.
This accessibility combined with the peaceful serenity of the location caused the state government to set aside the forest for public amenity.
Serenity was not aired until the end of the series' run.
It is important for rooms to be decorated with serenity in mind, like painting the walls with calming colors.
The site has been landscaped to achieve a sense of serenity and beauty compatible with the building's functions.
The cancer caused intense pain, which she reportedly bore with serenity and heroic fortitude.
Ostensibly, his book is a guide to fishing, but readers treasured its contents for their descriptions of nature and serenity.
A boiled suet pudding would serve equally well as a symbol of passionless purity and serenity of soul.

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