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Übersetzungen für severance pay im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsev·er·ance pay SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She used her severance pay to finance her own photographic equipment.
Severance pay was instituted to help protect the newly unemployed.
Benefits like sick leave, vacation pay, and severance pay are payments to an employee not to be at work.
Permanent staff receive sick pay, holidays, rental assistance, severance pay and have a contract.
Some have noted with dismay that those employees have been cut loose with no severance pay, regardless of their tenure with the company.
A union fight gave them two weeks of severance pay for each year they worked there.
If an employee unreasonably refuses an alternative position, he loses the right to severance pay.
The deal includes wage increases and enhanced severance pay in the case of a store closure.
Cook's severance pay comes to about 5.4 million euros, a figure determined by standard company and legal guidelines.
The employer notified the taxpayer in late 1974 that the severance pay would be mailed to her sometime early in 1975.

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