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Übersetzungen für shivered im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . shiv·er [ˈʃɪvəʳ] SUBST

2. shiver MED:

to give sb the shivers übtr ugs

Beispielsätze für shivered

the colder it got, the more she shivered

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He noticed an old warrior shivering from the cold, trying to find a place near the fire.
As body temperature decreases, characteristic symptoms occur such as shivering and mental confusion.
In shivering, the heat is the main intended product and is utilized for warmth.
They often lead to physical effects including shivering, palpitations, sweating and in some cases, convulsions and death if not treated.
Daisy follows and finds him, still handcuffed, coatless, and shivering in the fog.
News of his financial troubles sent a collective shiver through the league in the middle of the 1984 season.
He would return from a winter trip in this gear shivering with cold but the poaching trade took a sharp decline.
The large flight muscles- pectoralis as well as the leg muscles generate heat by shivering.
At high additions, quartz can increase the risk of dunting or shivering.
The illness is characterized by very low body temperature without shivering, confusion, a slow heart rate and reduced breathing effort.

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