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Übersetzungen für shoppers im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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shop·per [ˈʃɒpəʳ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It typically allows shoppers to choose between multiple merchandise lines, at variable price points, in different product categories known as departments.
Shoe laces, collar stays, hat bags, and feathers for hats were provided to shoppers who requested them.
Shoppers can find a mix of established brands as well as up-and-coming companies.
Stores across the country are ditching the old-fashioned, clunky machines and having salespeople -- and even shoppers themselves -- ring up sales on smartphones and tablet computers.
In more than half, the chugger teams are believed to have driven down trade for stores and businesses by deterring shoppers from visiting town centres.
Shoppers looking for stocking stuffers will have their heyday strolling amongst the hundreds of unique trinket stalls, with toys, ornaments, pocket watches, and much more.
The shoppers benefitted by paying less, and the business benefitted by selling multiple items at once.
The growth of highways also bled local shoppers to bigger stores elsewhere.
But sales proved slow as shoppers apparently struggled to make sense of the name, even with an explanatory note on the packaging.
Mystery shoppers for example played an important role in testing out the investment advice services of banks (issue 08/2010) and the statutory health insurance providers (issue 09/2010).

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