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Übersetzungen für side-saddle im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . ˈside-sad·dle SUBST


II . ˈside-sad·dle ADV

to ride side-saddle

Beispielsätze für side-saddle

to ride side-saddle

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She's mounted side-saddle on an enormous alligator, chest bare, dark hair fluttering in the breeze, feet adorned with strappy, high-heeled sandals in a fetching shade of periwinkle.
Nobody's done that side-saddle yet.
But once she's out of the breeches, you'll notice she rides side-saddle, as it's really uncomfortable riding astride without any underwear on.
Riding astride rather than using the side-saddle recommended for ladies, she was said to challenge boys to horse races in the road.
The nude woman is in fact "not" perched side-saddle on the horse.
For those unfamiliar, side-saddle putting is something that more closely resembles croquet -- or sweeping a broom -- than a traditional putting stroke.
Can two women so attired, riding side-saddle, actually "dig their heels" into their horses' flanks and "race"?
For riding side-saddle, the costume had a long, trailing petticoat or skirt.
In early times, female cellists sometimes played side-saddle, since it was considered improper for a lady to part her knees in public.
Sometimes a girl just wants to ride side-saddle with the wind hitting her exposed back, and that can't be done without a bicycle.

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