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Übersetzungen für signification im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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signification SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Various opinions have been expressed as to the origin of the name, the exact orthography and signification of which can not be ascertained.
Rather than that, it was constructed as such by way of a long process of narration and signification.
There has also been a signification increase in the number of academic and non-teaching staffs.
Both genres employ the narrator as protagonist and rely upon the illusion of presence in their mode of signification.
Similarly, inner-outer distinction is a surface signification, the body as an enclosure is a signification, and any interior psychic characteristics are surface significations.
Words can never liberate the wholeness of the real; there can not be a signification of being in language.
Both genres employed the narrator as protagonist and used the illusion of presence in their mode of signification.
Signification is the imposition of a meaning on an utterance, but supposition is taking a meaningful term as standing in for something.
Any knowledge of society and social change can exist only by referring to, or by positing, singular entitieswhich figure and presentify social imaginary significations.
Only skinheads from the same area and time period are likely to interpret the colour significations accurately.

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