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Übersetzungen für slippers im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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slip·pers [ˈslɪpəz] SUBST Pl

copate f Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is delighted to see him return and agrees to marry him even before he shows her the slippers.
The pope traditionally wore the slippers inside the papal residence, while red leather papal shoes were worn outdoors.
She is surprised when the beggar woman reenters to return the slippers with her thanks.
It was also not uncommon for the bassist to wear a pair of carpet slippers throughout the entire show.
It is dressed in a real bodice, tutu and ballet slippers and has a wig of real hair.
For the same reason, close-fitting shoes or slippers that exacerbated the lesions could not be worn, and they were replaced by clogs.
Media references to bunny slippers occur as early as 1946 and advertisements date back as far as 1931.
A prominent example is the changing of the color of the magic slippers; from ruby in the 1939 film to silver for the 2005 film.
Ballet slippers can be adjusted and tightened to the wearer's foot by means of this string tie and done.
Do-jin even leaves the shop forgetting to change out of his slippers.

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