Englisch » Slowenisch

I . pool1 [pu:l] SUBST

1. pool (natural):

bazen(ček) m
tolmun m

3. pool (construction):

bazen m

II . pool1 [pu:l] VERB intr

pool liquid:

zbirati se [perf zbrati se]

I . pool2 [pu:l] SUBST

2. pool no Pl SPORT:

to shoot pool esp Am ugs

3. pool (in card games, in gambling):

II . pool2 [pu:l] VERB trans

I . fuel [ˈfju:əl] SUBST

II . fuel <-ll- [or Am usu-l-]> [ˈfju:əl] VERB trans

1. fuel usu passive:

I . spent [spent] VERB

spent Part Perf, Past of spend:

II . spent [spent] ADJ

3. spent (without inspiration):

Siehe auch: spend

II . spend <spent, spent> [spend] VERB intr

III . spend [spend] SUBST Brit

I . spend <spent, spent> [spend] VERB trans

1. spend (pay out):

II . spend <spent, spent> [spend] VERB intr

III . spend [spend] SUBST Brit

ˈdriv·ing pool SUBST

ˈpad·dling pool SUBST esp Brit Aus

ˈplunge pool SUBST

ˈpool hall SUBST, ˈpool room SUBST

ˈpool table SUBST

ˈfuel cell SUBST

ˈfuel con·sump·tion SUBST no Pl

fuel-efˈficient ADJ

ˈfuel gauge SUBST, ˈfuel gage SUBST

fuel ˈpov·er·ty SUBST no Pl Brit

ˈfuel pump SUBST

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