Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für spillage im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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spill·age [ˈspɪlɪʤ] SUBST

1. spillage no Pl (action):

spillage of a liquid
izliv m
chemical spillage

2. spillage (amount spilled):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The nacelle has a round outer lip to defect spillage back into the longitudinal direction.
The company has addressed environmental concerns through various actions, including dust and spillage reduction, water purification and recycling, and tree planting.
Examples are cones and holes in the road, which mainly slow down the player, and (blue) oil spillage which causes the car to spin.
Typical contaminants found on contaminated brownfield land include hydrocarbon spillages, solvents, pesticides, heavy metals such as lead (e.g., paints), tributyltins, and asbestos.
However, silicone has been proven to be much less biodegradable than esters in the event of a leak or spillage.
One is the location of the spillage; there were reports that the mercury spilled in the classroom or in the science laboratory.
The occasional accidental spillage of sewage and chemicals has also caused sections of the river to be closed to human access.
As long as this barrier is not breached, there will be no spillage.
Those that fall into the dam reservoir may lead to further catastrophic spillages.
It is known principally for a factory disaster in 1997, which caused mass spillage of diacritics all over the town's name.

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