Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für squinting im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . squint [skwɪnt] VERB intr

1. squint (close one's eyes):

2. squint (look):

II . squint [skwɪnt] SUBST

1. squint (glance):

pogled m

2. squint (eye condition):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Of course, the figure had squinting, blank black eyes whereas he had normal eyes in the cartoon.
Such flashes are not the result of squinting, and can occur in one eye at a time or in both eyes at once.
Squinting or frequent rubbing of the eyes is also common with exotropia.
Not only do they enhance the wearer's visual experience, but can also reduce problems that appear such as headaches or squinting.
Although a person may not notice mild astigmatism, higher amounts of astigmatism may cause blurry vision, squinting, asthenopia, fatigue, or headaches.
This can be approximated in the visual system by squinting one's eyes or moving away from the image.
Squinting and uncontrollable eye movements may be initial signs and symptoms.
And finally, for sharp-eyed readers who can don't mind squinting at a lot of data, here's a cluttered chart from 1959 to the present.
Squinting as she came closer, her red, white and blue jersey was unmistakeable.
Creep along the rivulets and curls of writhing truth, this feral fetus squinting in a boundless womb of cultivations.

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